Founded in Santa Rosa, CA in 2004 and based in Boise, ID, LadyBug Technologies was created by two microwave engineers with a passion for quality microwave test instrumentation. Since its founding, LadyBug has undergone three major expansions including its 2021 move to Boise, ID. With this latest move, LadyBug doubled its space, added 30% to its manufacturing capacity, and significantly expanded its product engineering team.

LadyBug‘s shareholders offer many years of experience in the design and manufacture of the world’s best vector network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, power meters, microwave sources, and associated components. Our management team has additional experience in optical power testing, military radar, and a variety of programming environments including LabVIEW, VEE, and other languages often used in programmatic systems. Our metrology manager has extensive experience in a broad spectrum of demanding measurement applications. You can be assured that our products are designed, built, tested, and calibrated without compromise.

LadyBug Technologies’ President is Richard Hawkins. Like co-founder and retired Vice President Jon Sigler, Richard is inspired by a company intent on building a better product at a better price and doing it in the U.S.A. Richard brings forty years of Sonoma County experience in the RF & Microwave Test & Measurement arena to LadyBug Technologies. As an R&D Engineer, Richard developed hardware for Vector Network Analyzers, Microwave Sources, Mechanical Calibration Kits and Large Distributed Monitoring Systems. Richard also managed a number of R&D projects including Automated Vector Network Analyzer Calibration Devices, RF and Microwave Power Sensors, RF and Microwave Switches and major Manufacturing Test Software efforts. Richard has additional experience in manufacturing management and precision time and frequency products, marketing and marketing management. This rich background has played a key role in LadyBug’s founding and the development of these products. Richard graduated Magna Cum Laude from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo California with a BSEE.

Jon Sigler, retired Vice President and co-founder of LadyBug Technologies. Jon brought over forty years of RF & Microwave Test & Measurement experience to LadyBug. Jon’s focus was software and firmware. This experience served as an essential compliment to Richard’s hardware experience and to the creation of LadyBug Technologies. Jon’s software development experience included Built-In Diagnostics, EMC Test Software and Firmware, and a variety of Satellite Software Solutions. Jon also was successful in architecting, managing and developing larger enterprise test software efforts. These complex, long lived projects bridge corporate level organizational boundaries, geographical boundaries as well as process and product boundaries. Jon’s strong background was further enhanced by his marketing management and manufacturing experience, as well as a tour as a U.S. Marine in calibration labs. Jon graduated from Memphis State University with a BSEE.


LadyBug Technologies LLC.

Human Rights Policy

Respect for Human Rights

Respect for human rights is a fundamental value of LadyBug Technologies LLC. We strive to respect and promote human rights in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights in our relationships with our employees, suppliers and independent contractors.

This Policy is guided by the foundational and operational principal outlined in the corporate responsibility to protect human rights as outlined by the UNGPs. By extension this policy is also guided by international human rights principles encompassed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including those contained within the International Bill of Rights and the International Labor Organization’s 1998 and 2022 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work.

This policy applies to LadyBug Technologies LLC. The Company also expects independent Contractors and suppliers to uphold these principles and urges them to adopt similar policies within their own businesses. We use due diligence as a means to identify and prevent human rights risks to people in our business and value chain. Where we have idented adverse human rights impacts resulting from or caused by our business activities, we are committed to provide for or cooperate in, reasonable corrective action to remedy the violation. The Human Rights Policy is overseen by The Executive staff of LadyBug Technologies LLC.

Diversity and Inclusion

We value and advance the diversity and inclusion of the people with whom we work. We are committed to equal opportunity and are intolerant of discrimination and harassment. We work to maintain workplaces that are free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable law. The basis for recruitment, hiring, placement, development, training, compensation and advancement at the Company is qualifications, performance, skills, experience and commitment to quality and the development of the highest value RF test and measurement solutions. We do not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind. Harassment is not tolerated in the workplace and in any work-related circumstance outside the workplace.

Safe and Healthy Workplace

The safety and health of our employees is of paramount importance. Our policy is to provide a safe and healthy workplace and comply with applicable safety and health laws and regulations, as well as the addition of internal requirements to further promote health and safety in the workplace. We work to provide and maintain a safe, healthy and productive workplace, in consultation with our employees, by addressing and remediating idented risks of accidents, injury and health impacts.

Workplace Security

We are committed to maintaining a workplace that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation and other unsafe or disruptive conditions due to internal and external threats. Security safeguards for employees are provided, as needed, and are maintained with respect for employee privacy and dignity.

Forced Labor and Human Trafficking

We prohibit the use of all forms of forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, military labor, modern forms of slavery and any form of human trafficking.

Child Labor

We prohibit the hiring of individuals that are under 18 years of age for positions in which hazardous work is required.

Work Hours, Wages and Benefits

We compensate employees competitively relative to the industry and local labor market. We work to ensure full compliance with applicable wage, work hours, overtime and benefits laws.

Guidance and Reporting for Employees

We strive to create workplaces in which open and honest communications among all employees are valued and respected. The Company is committed to comply with applicable labor and employment laws wherever we operate. The Company also ensures employees are aware of the Human Rights Policy through training and an annual internal publication process.

Any employee who believes a conflict arises between the language of the policy and the laws, customs and practices of the place where he or she works, or who has questions about this policy or would like to report a potential violation of this policy, should raise those questions and concerns with management. No reprisal or retaliatory action will be taken against any employee for raising concerns under this policy. The Company will investigate, address and respond to the concerns of employees and will take appropriate corrective action in response to any violation.

This policy, including translations and related information, can be found via the Company’s internet site:

Public and Workforce Transparency

Our Human Rights Policy is made available to the public through publication on our website, and cross references the UN Guiding Principles on Business and human rights. The Company reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. Nothing in this policy says or implies that a contract exists between the Company and its employees or that participation in this program is a guarantee of continued employment with LadyBug Tech. LLC.


Founded in Santa Rosa, CA in 2004 and based in Boise, ID, LadyBug Technologies was created by two microwave engineers with a passion for quality microwave test instrumentation. Since its founding, LadyBug has undergone three major expansions including its 2021 move to Boise, ID. With this latest move, LadyBug doubled its space, added 30% to its manufacturing capacity, and significantly expanded its product engineering team.

LadyBug‘s shareholders offer many years of experience in the design and manufacture of the world’s best vector network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, power meters, microwave sources, and associated components. Our management team has additional experience in optical power testing, military radar, and a variety of programming environments including LabVIEW, VEE, and other languages often used in programmatic systems. Our metrology manager has extensive experience in a broad spectrum of demanding measurement applications. You can be assured that our products are designed, built, tested, and calibrated without compromise.

LadyBug Technologies’ President is Richard Hawkins. Like co-founder and retired Vice President Jon Sigler, Richard is inspired by a company intent on building a better product at a better price and doing it in the U.S.A. Richard brings forty years of Sonoma County experience in the RF & Microwave Test & Measurement arena to LadyBug Technologies. As an R&D Engineer, Richard developed hardware for Vector Network Analyzers, Microwave Sources, Mechanical Calibration Kits and Large Distributed Monitoring Systems. Richard also managed a number of R&D projects including Automated Vector Network Analyzer Calibration Devices, RF and Microwave Power Sensors, RF and Microwave Switches and major Manufacturing Test Software efforts. Richard has additional experience in manufacturing management and precision time and frequency products, marketing and marketing management. This rich background has played a key role in LadyBug’s founding and the development of these products. Richard graduated Magna Cum Laude from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo California with a BSEE.

Jon Sigler, retired Vice President and co-founder of LadyBug Technologies. Jon brought over forty years of RF & Microwave Test & Measurement experience to LadyBug. Jon’s focus was software and firmware. This experience served as an essential compliment to Richard’s hardware experience and to the creation of LadyBug Technologies. Jon’s software development experience included Built-In Diagnostics, EMC Test Software and Firmware, and a variety of Satellite Software Solutions. Jon also was successful in architecting, managing and developing larger enterprise test software efforts. These complex, long lived projects bridge corporate level organizational boundaries, geographical boundaries as well as process and product boundaries. Jon’s strong background was further enhanced by his marketing management and manufacturing experience, as well as a tour as a U.S. Marine in calibration labs. Jon graduated from Memphis State University with a BSEE.



LadyBug Technologies LLC.

Human Rights Policy

Respect for Human Rights

Respect for human rights is a fundamental value of LadyBug Technologies LLC. We strive to respect and promote human rights in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) on Business and Human Rights in our relationships with our employees, suppliers and independent contractors.

This Policy is guided by the foundational and operational principal outlined in the corporate responsibility to protect human rights as outlined by the UNGPs. By extension this policy is also guided by international human rights principles encompassed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including those contained within the International Bill of Rights and the International Labor Organization’s 1998 and 2022 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work.

This policy applies to LadyBug Technologies LLC. The Company also expects independent Contractors and suppliers to uphold these principles and urges them to adopt similar policies within their own businesses. We use due diligence as a means to identify and prevent human rights risks to people in our business and value chain. Where we have idented adverse human rights impacts resulting from or caused by our business activities, we are committed to provide for or cooperate in, reasonable corrective action to remedy the violation. The Human Rights Policy is overseen by The Executive staff of LadyBug Technologies LLC.

Diversity and Inclusion

We value and advance the diversity and inclusion of the people with whom we work. We are committed to equal opportunity and are intolerant of discrimination and harassment. We work to maintain workplaces that are free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable law. The basis for recruitment, hiring, placement, development, training, compensation and advancement at the Company is qualifications, performance, skills, experience and commitment to quality and the development of the highest value RF test and measurement solutions. We do not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind. Harassment is not tolerated in the workplace and in any work-related circumstance outside the workplace.

Safe and Healthy Workplace

The safety and health of our employees is of paramount importance. Our policy is to provide a safe and healthy workplace and comply with applicable safety and health laws and regulations, as well as the addition of internal requirements to further promote health and safety in the workplace. We work to provide and maintain a safe, healthy and productive workplace, in consultation with our employees, by addressing and remediating idented risks of accidents, injury and health impacts.

Workplace Security

We are committed to maintaining a workplace that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation and other unsafe or disruptive conditions due to internal and external threats. Security safeguards for employees are provided, as needed, and are maintained with respect for employee privacy and dignity.

Forced Labor and Human Trafficking

We prohibit the use of all forms of forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, military labor, modern forms of slavery and any form of human trafficking.

Child Labor

We prohibit the hiring of individuals that are under 18 years of age for positions in which hazardous work is required.

Work Hours, Wages and Benefits

We compensate employees competitively relative to the industry and local labor market. We work to ensure full compliance with applicable wage, work hours, overtime and benefits laws.

Guidance and Reporting for Employees

We strive to create workplaces in which open and honest communications among all employees are valued and respected. The Company is committed to comply with applicable labor and employment laws wherever we operate. The Company also ensures employees are aware of the Human Rights Policy through training and an annual internal publication process.

Any employee who believes a conflict arises between the language of the policy and the laws, customs and practices of the place where he or she works, or who has questions about this policy or would like to report a potential violation of this policy, should raise those questions and concerns with management. No reprisal or retaliatory action will be taken against any employee for raising concerns under this policy. The Company will investigate, address and respond to the concerns of employees and will take appropriate corrective action in response to any violation.

This policy, including translations and related information, can be found via the Company’s internet site:

Public and Workforce Transparency

Our Human Rights Policy is made available to the public through publication on our website, and cross references the UN Guiding Principles on Business and human rights. The Company reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. Nothing in this policy says or implies that a contract exists between the Company and its employees or that participation in this program is a guarantee of continued employment with LadyBug Tech. LLC.
