A quality power sensor must have a traceable calibration from a recognized primary laboratory such as NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) run by the US Department of Commerce. This means the sensor was transfer calibrated using a certified sensor. Because uncertainty is added each time a calibration occurs, it is important to have as few calibrations as possible from the certifying body. Our calibration standards are first tier standards that are calibrated directly by NIST. This method allows for the best possible calibration.

We understand the testing environment and recognize that sensors can be accidentally overpowered, dropped or components can simply fail after time has passed. To accommodate these potential risks, we offer a reasonable flat repair and recalibration fee for our products.

For Calibration or repair, contact us by email or phone for an RMA number.

Send your sensor(s) to:

Calibration & Service Dpt
LadyBug Technologies, LLC
9290 W. Barnes Drive
Boise, ID 83709

Turnaround time is less than a week for re-calibration, usually less than 2 weeks for repair.

Payment can be made using your approved credit account or by credit card. Cost (FOB Boise, ID) for calibration and repair is detailed below. Return the sensor prepaid to us and we will service it promptly and return it by UPS, FedEx (cost added to your invoice) or if you prefer, we will use your shipping account.

SensorCalibrationRepair & CalSensorCalibrationRepair & Cal