Fast, Accurate & Traceable Power Sensors, 4 kHz to 67 GHz with 86dB Dynamic Range

LadyBug Technologies designs, develops, and manufactures a broad range of first tier NIST traceable USB power sensors. Our power sensors do not require a separate power meter, they instead function as a complete power measurement solution using s software application on a PC, instrument or ATE (Automated Test Equipment) system. As such they are referred to as Power Meters or Power Sensors. We manufacture sensors with capability of measuring average, peak and pulse power. Our sensors are used for general purpose RF power testing, ATE, defense, portable and compact applications. Our power sensors are widely used in the microwave and RF test industry. Our LB5900 series power sensors have an exceptionally flexible interface including optional I2C and SPI connectivity and the sensors are Linux compatible.

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Why LadyBug Technologies

  • Quality-Driven Power Sensors: LadyBug Technologies provide a wide range of quality-driven power sensors (power meters) with industry leading accuracy covering 9 kHz to 50 GHz and 86 dB of Dynamic Range. The broad frequency options and superior dynamic range make these sensors useful for many applications.
  • Patented NoZero NoCal Feature: Eliminates user zeroing before use, making measurement setup quick and easy. The technology also eliminates much of the need for switches, adaptors, cables etc. that are often required to calibrate competitive sensors for low level measurements in ATE equipment and systems. Further, the sensors are thermally stabilized, eliminating drift and measurement interruption in test systems.
  • Integrated Solution: Traditional power meter and power sensor systems are easily replaced with a single LadyBug self-contained power sensor. Unlike traditional power meter & power sensor systems, LadyBug power meters are self-contained and do not add the uncertainty of a second device which often requires its own separate calibration. Our power meters are self-contained and the calibration process encompasses all of the analog measurement and digitization circuitry. The complete USB power meter system is often referred to simply as a power sensor.

Selecting a Sensor

A Power Sensor for Every RF and Microwave Purpose

We provide the following types of power meters for use in RF and microwave markets:
  • True RMS Sensors: Assure accurate average power measurement on CW and modulated signals of any modulation bandwidth
  • Peak, Pulse, and Averaging Sensors: Our pulse sensors are designed specifically for making high dynamic range pulse measurements and also measure average power
  • Wideband Pulse Profiling Sensors: Expand the capability of our pulse sensors by adding a time domain scope-like profiles of the modulated waveform

Contact us directly to enquire more about power sensor solutions.