Create or Request a Quote

Please use either of the two forms below to obtain a quote. Additionally, items added to your shopping cart can be downloaded in PDF format and function as a quote as well. Simply view your shopping cart, and click “Download Cart Quote PDF”

Generate a Self Quote

Select the sensor, options and quantity that you are interested in, and then provide your contact information. After clicking submit, an email will be sent to the specified email address containing a quotation for the configured product. Also, you may add additional configured sensors to this quotation by checking the appropriate check boxes below.

Quotes are valid for 30 days.

"*" indicates required fields

The LB5908A 1 MHz to 8 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,143.00The LB5908L 9 kHz to 8 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,586.00The LB5912A 1 MHz to 12.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,529.00The LB5918A 1 MHz to 18 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $4,259.00The LB5918L 9kHz to 18 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $4,697.00The LB5926A 1 MHz to 26 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $4,943.00The LB5926A-LAN 1 MHz to 26.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $5,615.00The LB5926L 9kHz to 26.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $5,718.00The LB5940A 1 MHz to 40 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $6,774.00The LB5940L 9kHz to 40 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $7,455.00The LB5944A 1 MHz to 44 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $7,250.00The LB5944L 9 kHz to 44 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $7,867.00The LB5954L 9 kHz to 54 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $8,559.00The LB5967L 9 kHz to 67 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $9,629.00The LB5975W 50 GHz to 75 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $11,770.00The LB559A 10 MHz to 12.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $2,891.00The LB579A 10 MHz to 18 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,975.00The LB589A 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $4,699.00The LB478A 10 MHz to 8 GHz Peak & Pulse Power Sensor -$1,577.00The LB479A 10 MHz to 8 GHz Average, Peak & Pulse Power Sensor - $2,505.00The LB480A 50 MHz to 8 GHz Average, Peak & Pulse and Pulse Profiling Sensor - $3,186.00The LB680A 50 MHz to 20 GHz Average, Peak & Pulse and Pulse Profiling Sensor - $6,999.00The LBSF09A 1 MHz to 9 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,315.00The LBSF09L 4 kHz to 9 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,744.00
Optional Analog Outputs
Optional Analog Outputs
Add Analog Recorder Output - Opt. 001 - $345
Add SPI and I2C Ports - Opt. SPI
Low Temperature Extension
Unattended Operation Capability (6 week lead time) - Opt. UOP - $750
Add Calibration Between 44 and 50 GHz - Opt. 050 - $275
Add Triggering - Opt. 003 - $345
Add 300 kHz, 500 kHz, 1 MHz, 2 MHz Video Bandwidth Filters - Opt. 004 - $995
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $550
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $650
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $750
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $795
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $550
Optional Calibration to 4kHz - Opt. 4KZ - $400
OSM Connector - SMA MaleONM Connector - Type N Male StandardOSF Connector - SMA Female Add $65ONF Connector - Type N Female Add ($65.00)35M 3.5 mm Male Connector Add ($65.00)
ONM Connector - Type N Male StandardOSM Connector - SMA Male Add $65OSF Connector - SMA Female Add $65ONF Connector - Type N Female Add ($65.00)35M 3.5 mm Male Connector Add ($65.00)XNM Extened Type N Connector Add ($276.00)
18M Connector - 1.8mm Male
24M Connector - 2.4mm Male24F Connector - 2.4mm Female
29M Connector - 2.9mm Male29F Connector - 2.9mm Female
WR-15 Connector
Choose OneONM Connector - Type N Male Add ($65.00)OSM Connector - SMA MaleOSF Connector - SMA FemaleONF Connector - Type N Female Add ($65.00)35M 3.5 mm Male Connector Add ($65.00)XNM Extened Type N Connector Add ($276.00)
Choose One35M 3.5 mm Male Connector Add ($65.00)OSF Connector - SMA FemaleOSM Connector - SMA Male
None3 Year Calibration, Add ($550.00)
35M 3.5 mm Male Connector StandardOSM Connector - SMA MaleOSF Connector - SMA Female
Add Wideband Video Detector Output (requires Option 004) - Opt. 0W2 - $700
Standard USBOption SPI (USB + I2C and SPI)Option LAN (HiSLIP LAN)
Add LAN-QS1 Quick Start Kit - $249
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.

Contact Information



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General Quote Request

For a general quote that might include inquiries about special volume pricing or other specifics, please fill out the form below with your contact information, the equipment or services you’re interested in, and any specifics you might have. A representative will contact you shortly.

"*" indicates required fields

Select The Specific Type of Unit You're Interested In*
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Generate a Self Quote

Select the sensor, options and quantity that you are interested in, and then provide your contact information. After clicking submit, an email will be sent to the specified email address containing a quotation for the configured product. Also, you may add additional configured sensors to this quotation by checking the appropriate check boxes below.

Quotes are valid for 30 days.

"*" indicates required fields

The LB5908A 1 MHz to 8 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,143.00The LB5908L 9 kHz to 8 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,586.00The LB5912A 1 MHz to 12.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,529.00The LB5918A 1 MHz to 18 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $4,259.00The LB5918L 9kHz to 18 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $4,697.00The LB5926A 1 MHz to 26 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $4,943.00The LB5926A-LAN 1 MHz to 26.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $5,615.00The LB5926L 9kHz to 26.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $5,718.00The LB5940A 1 MHz to 40 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $6,774.00The LB5940L 9kHz to 40 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $7,455.00The LB5944A 1 MHz to 44 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $7,250.00The LB5944L 9 kHz to 44 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $7,867.00The LB5954L 9 kHz to 54 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $8,559.00The LB5967L 9 kHz to 67 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $9,629.00The LB5975W 50 GHz to 75 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $11,770.00The LB559A 10 MHz to 12.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $2,891.00The LB579A 10 MHz to 18 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,975.00The LB589A 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $4,699.00The LB478A 10 MHz to 8 GHz Peak & Pulse Power Sensor -$1,577.00The LB479A 10 MHz to 8 GHz Average, Peak & Pulse Power Sensor - $2,505.00The LB480A 50 MHz to 8 GHz Average, Peak & Pulse and Pulse Profiling Sensor - $3,186.00The LB680A 50 MHz to 20 GHz Average, Peak & Pulse and Pulse Profiling Sensor - $6,999.00The LBSF09A 1 MHz to 9 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,315.00The LBSF09L 4 kHz to 9 GHz True RMS Power Sensor - $3,744.00
Optional Analog Outputs
Optional Analog Outputs
Add Analog Recorder Output - Opt. 001 - $345
Add SPI and I2C Ports - Opt. SPI
Low Temperature Extension
Unattended Operation Capability (6 week lead time) - Opt. UOP - $750
Add Calibration Between 44 and 50 GHz - Opt. 050 - $275
Add Triggering - Opt. 003 - $345
Add 300 kHz, 500 kHz, 1 MHz, 2 MHz Video Bandwidth Filters - Opt. 004 - $995
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $550
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $650
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $750
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $795
3 Year Calibration Service - Opt. C03 - $550
Optional Calibration to 4kHz - Opt. 4KZ - $400
OSM Connector - SMA MaleONM Connector - Type N Male StandardOSF Connector - SMA Female Add $65ONF Connector - Type N Female Add ($65.00)35M 3.5 mm Male Connector Add ($65.00)
ONM Connector - Type N Male StandardOSM Connector - SMA Male Add $65OSF Connector - SMA Female Add $65ONF Connector - Type N Female Add ($65.00)35M 3.5 mm Male Connector Add ($65.00)XNM Extened Type N Connector Add ($276.00)
18M Connector - 1.8mm Male
24M Connector - 2.4mm Male24F Connector - 2.4mm Female
29M Connector - 2.9mm Male29F Connector - 2.9mm Female
WR-15 Connector
Choose OneONM Connector - Type N Male Add ($65.00)OSM Connector - SMA MaleOSF Connector - SMA FemaleONF Connector - Type N Female Add ($65.00)35M 3.5 mm Male Connector Add ($65.00)XNM Extened Type N Connector Add ($276.00)
Choose One35M 3.5 mm Male Connector Add ($65.00)OSF Connector - SMA FemaleOSM Connector - SMA Male
None3 Year Calibration, Add ($550.00)
35M 3.5 mm Male Connector StandardOSM Connector - SMA MaleOSF Connector - SMA Female
Add Wideband Video Detector Output (requires Option 004) - Opt. 0W2 - $700
Standard USBOption SPI (USB + I2C and SPI)Option LAN (HiSLIP LAN)
Add LAN-QS1 Quick Start Kit - $249
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.

Contact Information



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General Quote Request

For a general quote that might include inquiries about special volume pricing or other specifics, please fill out the form below with your contact information, the equipment or services you’re interested in, and any specifics you might have. A representative will contact you shortly.

"*" indicates required fields

Select The Specific Type of Unit You're Interested In*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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